"Paatal Lok" is a Hindi-language crime thriller series on Amazon Prime Video, created by Sudip Sharma and produced by Anushka Sharma under Clean Slate Filmz. Directed by Avinash Arun and Prosit Roy, the series stars Jaideep Ahlawat, Gul Panag, Neeraj Kabi, and others. Inspired by Tarun Tejpal's novel "The Story of My Assassins," it follows a disillusioned cop investigating a botched assassination attempt.
Released on May 15, 2020, the series was praised for its performances, storyline, and direction, earning spots on several "Best of 2020" lists and winning multiple Filmfare OTT Awards. Filmed across 110 locations, "Paatal Lok" marked Clean Slate Filmz's entry into digital series production. A second season was announced in April 2022.
Some creatives done for Paatal Lok's social media
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