"Bulbbul," a Hindi-language period horror film from 2020, showcases the storytelling prowess of writer-director Anvita Dutt. Produced by Anushka Sharma and Karnesh Ssharma under the banner of Clean Slate Filmz, the film features a compelling lead performance by Tripti Dimri, supported by a talented cast including Avinash Tiwary, Paoli Dam, Rahul Bose, and Parambrata Chattopadhyay. Set in the Bengal presidency during the 1880s, "Bulbbul" explores the transformation of a child bride as she evolves from innocence to empowerment. Lauded for its atmospheric setting and powerful performances, particularly by Dimri, the film debuted on Netflix on June 24, 2020, receiving acclaim for its haunting narrative and visual storytelling.
Artwork: Character Introduction Stills for Social Media